Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Villages quilts

Over the last six months or so, I have been obsessed with making fabric collage landscapes or villages. Karen Eckmeier's book, Happy Villages inspired me, and I've made five, each about 22 inches square. Each is made on a background of felt, and once the village is completely built, I cover it with glittered tuille, then free motion quilt around the pieces to complete the village.  Some of the fabrics are fussy cut to suggest fences, crosses, steeples, etc. I use metallic threads, and embellish with some crystals.   
This one represents a typical Pittsburgh hillside -

I made this one to suggest a typical Israel hillside. We've toured Israel in May 2014, and I made this
 as a memory from that trip.

The first Halloweenscape that I made was for my daughter who lives in Texas. I liked it so much and hated to give it up, so I just had to go ahead and make one for our house too.

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